Saraaprils's awesome pin tracker!!

Saraapril's Pin Tracker :)

Penguin of the Month

Hey penguins!! I've decided to add this to the blog as a PRESENT for the Holidays! Every month, I decide a penguin every month that has been kind and nice to other penguins.

This month I've decided not to chose a penguin since I didn't go on to much this month. I only edit my igloo.

To become a penguin of the month, you need to post a comment with your penguin name, and I will add you and play with you to see your personality. Either Oliviarockz1 or me, Sam98783, will add you. I try to give these out to different penguins. It's impossible to get this award twice!



Sam98783 said...

Nice Job Perapin!!

Anonymous said...

WOAH THANK YOU! I'm honored! :) :D

From Your Friend
~Perapin :)

Sam98783 said...

Your Welcome! Remember the time we baked cookies in the Bakery together? It was soooo much fun at the Holiday Party with you!